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Appreciation Power

Appreciation Power

A little appreciation goes a long way!

The power of appreciation! It’s amazing what a ‘thank you’ can do. When you think about it we all like to be recognised for our hard work. Did you know that recognition can increase productivity, workplace culture, team morale and retention rates? Here are some reasons to celebrate employee achievements.

“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.”
– Author Unknown

A happy workplace = Healthy Culture
When everyone supports and challenges each other to achieve a common goal, this increases workplace culture and teamwork. Everyone needs to adopt a ‘we’re all in this together’ attitude.

Increased Productivity
Appreciation encourages others to go above and beyond what’s expected, simply because their colleague’s hard-work was acknowledged.

Recognition = Retention
Positive feedback increases retention rates; Statistics show many people choose recognition over monetary rewards. In an article by Psychology Today

“88% found praise from managers very or extremely motivating”

Increase engagement. Reward dedication.
Adding an incentive such as a rewards program will assist with engagement and quickly see who’s willing to go above and beyond to achieve desired targets. I find setting individual targets to be fair, you don’t want to make the goal too unobtainable.


Over 25 years and going strong!

Over 25 years and
going strong!