Top Tips When Feeling Overwhelmed In Your Personal And Professional Life In This Uncertain Time

Top Tips When Feeling Overwhelmed In Your Personal And Professional Life In This Uncertain Time

Top Tips When Feeling Overwhelmed In Your Personal And Professional Life In This Uncertain Time

Top Tips When Feeling Overwhelmed In Your Personal And Professional Life In This Uncertain Time

Step one

Avoid looking at your situation as a problem and view it as a challenge. This more positive connotation affects your perception positively and has a motivational impact.

Step two

Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed by looking at the challenge holistically. At the starting line solutions can appear unattainable and immobilising panic may set in.

Step three

Divide the challenge into more manageable bite size goals. This alleviates the paralysis experienced when we feel overwhelmed.

Step four

If necessary sub-divide these main goals into sub-goals if unforeseen obstacles present themselves. Moving towards a solution, no matter how small the steps, is progress and allows us to regain a sense of control. Afterall, the alternative is to “sit still” and achieve nothing.

Step five

Set yourself realistic time scales to achieve each goal. This accountability helps maintain momentum in the pursuit of finding solutions.

Step six

Regularly review and evaluate your progress in achieving your goals. Acknowledge and celebrate any successes, in order to boost your morale and sustain the stamina to press on towards reaching solutions.

Step seven

The result is achieved as solutions gradually emerge. We often are surprised to find that our challenge in the end was not as unattainable as we had initially thought.

Over 25 years and going strong!

Over 25 years and
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Fostering Future Leadership – A Must To Sustain A Successful Business And Boost Economic Recovery

Fostering Future Leadership - A Must To Sustain A Successful Business And Boost Economic Recovery

Fostering Future Leadership - A Must To Sustain A Successful Business And Boost Economic Recovery

Traditional workplace practices and values have been challenged and undermined by a new, more empowered generation of enthusiastic employees in this more digital modern age.

Employees are less inclined to blindly follow a top-down management structure: they have much higher expectations of those who lead their workplace organisations. To retain and nurture the best talent for your business and guarantee its future sustainability, demonstrating a quality leadership skill set that reflects these enhanced expectations is non-negotiable. It is time for every modern business to adopt a critical appraisal of their existing leadership styles and sacrifice or re-align those practices that no longer drive motivation, innovation, loyalty, and economic recovery. While leadership styles will differ, the more essential hallmarks of effective leadership are always the same.

This generation of employees need coached, not just instructed

In much of the developed world there is a culture of instant gratification and quick returns. This can be reflected too in the workplace where investment in employees’ development takes a back seat to short-term profit. Leaders should take time to mentor their staff, affording them the opportunity to contribute to team decision-making and manage projects, where appropriate, with senior supervision and supportive coaching. Coaching is most effective when carried out in real time as everyday happenings of business life unfold. Giving regular daily feedback and direction to staff on the field of play is much more effective than a bi-annual staff appraisal session. Regularly demonstrating good practice at the point of action, acknowledging a job well done or constructively correcting aspects less well done provides a more relevant, meaningful learning experience than any staff training organised event. Direct personal investment in our workforce is imperative in these challenging times. Perhaps the greatest legacy a successful leader can leave behind is that he mentored even greater leaders. Such an approach drives employees’ career purpose, fosters increased job satisfaction, motivation and loyalty to the business as well as producing future leaders who will help boost our economic recovery.

Set an example-Be authentic

Authenticity should be the backbone of any leader. It is an easily discernible trait in the workplace. Employees do not trust a leader whose intentions and motives are being constantly second guessed. Be transparent about the why behind business initiatives that impact on staff. This will elicit a much better response even when the outcomes prove challenging. As a leader, it is not possible or even necessary to have all the answers or expertise. Appropriately bowing to an employee’s acumen in an area of expertise demonstrates respect and trust in an employee’s ability and highlights a humility that earns a leader greater respect. Being a leader who is also willing to acknowledge past mistakes and lessons learned, fosters a more honest, supportive work ethos and culture. Taking a genuine interest in staff and listening without making assumptions, lets staff know that they are valued and promotes loyalty and goodwill. Loyalty and goodwill is essential as the business adapts to the current economic climate.

Role model consistency

Cross-functional, more diverse teams and flatter organisational structures characterise many more innovative, modern businesses. Being at the helm of such organisations poses challenges for any leader. It takes great emotional courage and backbone to ensure that consistent standards and values are upheld without favouritism or exception throughout the organisation regardless of the employee’s position or even the revenue they generate. Any organisational values or standards that are let slide will gradually undermine and erode staff trust and morale. It is best to confront any inappropriate staff behaviour at the earliest possible opportunity to safeguard the safety and welfare of all employees and business stakeholders. Doing this with discretion requires a leader of higher emotional intelligence and moral fortitude. Such a leader gains credibility and trust and inspires our future leaders to emulate such standards of excellence.

Over 25 years and going strong!

Over 25 years and
going strong!

Looking for employment? Top Tips to Stay positive and be ready to bounce back from these turbulent times!

Looking for employment? Top Tips to Stay positive and be ready to bounce back from these turbulent times!

Looking for employment? Top Tips to Stay positive and be ready to bounce back from these turbulent times!

It is important to remain resilient, focused and productive with regard to your career development in these challenging times.

While you may have to approach your job search in a very different way than in pre-pandemic times, it is important to remain resilient, focused and productive with regard to your career development in these challenging times; using this work hiatus as an opportunity for some professional self- reflection. Afterall, the best fruits are often borne out of challenge and adversity.

Broaden the net to include a wider selection of possible jobs

It may well be that your ideal career opportunity is not possible in these shifting times but that does not mean that you can’t sharpen up experience and skillsets through other, even temporary, roles outside your main industry. As well as contributing financially, such initiative will speak to future employers of your versatility, adaptability and flexibility; all attractive attributes in the long game for any applicant. Team building, leadership, good communication, customer care, innovation and creativity are just a few of the transferable skills that can be practised across a host of different employment placements regardless of their status. Stay in touch with recruitment agencies as you job hunt and above all stay positive because this recruitment downturn is not permanent.

Boost your skillset

Re-evaluating your skills-set will allow you to focus on those competences that require more input. It’s important to focus on what you can control now. Having an honest look at yourself, through the eyes of those with whom you have worked or through online personality tests can lead to you bolstering those gaps in either your formal qualifications or hard skills set or perhaps your softer listening skills. These can be as diverse as improving communication skills to organisational skills. While you wait, there are many certified, online courses that you can take which will help position you better when recovery comes. Employers will also respect you for transforming challenges into opportunities for personal development. Recruitment agencies can advise on skillsets for niche industries.

Clarify your future aspirations in line with industry trends

Reflect on your career. Invest time in researching companies that interest you. Consider the threats and opportunities that the company faces and the responses that they have made to the challenges faced. Become familiar with their social media platforms and posted blogs so that you are better informed about their priorities, values, ethics and culture. Share and comment on any articles or research papers produced by the company or, if possible, join discussion groups. Explore the profiles and aspirations of existing team members and assess how you might fit in with and contribute to the goals and vision of such a team. Understand the company’s target market and become familiar with their successes. Doing the groundwork and demonstrating an in-depth understanding of a business at a future interview will show passion and speak volumes to your potential employer.

Update and upgrade your resume that best showcases you in six seconds

Your resume is the measuring rod used to decide if you are the most suitable candidate for the job. Multiple versions of your resume are required to match different roles. Tailor your skills to line up with the key terms in each job description. The more frequent use of the key words in the job description, the more you are likely to be shortlisted. Resumes require the most up-to-date, relevant employment history and qualifications and should be limited to two- pages. Information should be itemised through concise, carefully scripted, grammatically correct bullet points. What characterises a good resume are itemised examples of how you have added value to a previous employer’s business with examples of passionate contributions.



Over 25 years and going strong!

Over 25 years and
going strong!

Our Greatest Achievements Are Often Birthed From Adversity

Our Greatest Achievements Are Often Birthed From Adversity

Our Greatest Achievements Are Often Birthed From Adversity

Could this crisis afford us the opportunity to re-set the clock?

Events in our business and personal lives have been painfully disrupted by this pandemic, unsettling us with its many multi-layered irritants. Could this crisis afford us the opportunity to re-set the clock and to re-evaluate all our business practices so that massive challenges in fact convert into meaningful change?

Prepare now for recovery; sooner or later it will come

This may be the time to get busy considering future growth pathways. Do the homework now. Keeping abreast of changing spending patterns, attitudes and values of the business’ target group may lead to future growth opportunities. Diversification of products, services or market segments should be explored to ensure that the business is less reliant on one sector or product and so more robust in the face of future challenges. Whilst unsettling and stretching, this may be the key factor which dictates how the business rebounds once recovery happens.

Further developing the business’ digital competencies

The Pandemic has forced many more reluctant businesses to embrace remote working; thereby accelerating their journey to become more digital. Harness this momentum and build on this foundation. Your business’ digital capabilities will enhance its ability to compete in an increasingly “in the cloud” business environment. Digital strategies can be nurtured to tap into new marketplace opportunities with potential reach to new customer segments as well as adding efficiency to your organisation.

Be ruthless with business strategies/ processes which are not adding value to your customer base

This may be an ideal time to re-configure out-dated precedents. Being a slave to a process that no longer serves your business interests or adds value to your customer experiences sounds a death knell to your business. An unsentimental, non-biased mindset is imperative to re-evaluate your priorities and systems against meaningful, measurable outcomes. If the why leads you to the conclusion that a process is not augmenting business performance, then urgent revision is required.

Empowering People

A flexible, resilient, diverse workforce is the hallmark of business success in testing times. Out of the office dynamics and politics many employees, working remotely without direct supervision, have surprised business managers with their productivity, innovation and resourcefulness. New talent has been unearthed as many, in lower ranks of the hierarchical structure, have found solutions to pressing, immediate problems. Perhaps now is the time to consider whether a flatter business structure may better serve the business’ needs or whether better use of cross-functional, multi-skilled teams may be embraced, to better realise the business’ vision and goals long-term.

A business must maintain a healthy ”eco-system”

Like a fragile eco-system, the success of a business requires the smooth running of all its constituent parts. This can be measured by the extent to which the business can be sustained under pressure. Businesses depend on many stakeholders for its health; its suppliers, vendors, customers, employees and investors to name a few. Its vital to take stock of how these fit together holistically and whether there are any kinks in the system. A flaw in the business eco-system, as in nature ,can have catastrophic consequences. Making that assessment now will allow any necessary changes to put in place so that the business can hit the ground running when recovery comes.

Over 25 years and going strong!

Over 25 years and
going strong!

Create A Workplace That Focuses On Supporting Mental Health.

Create a workplace that focuses on supporting mental health

Create a workplace that focuses on supporting mental health

The stigma of mental health is slowly being removed and it is becoming more normalised as a topic of discussion. We spend most of our time in our jobs so it’s vital to work in a healthy environment. Mental health can have a damaging impact on a business; employees are expected to work efficiently and to do so it’s important for them to feel fulfilled in their role, to feel valued and supported. It’s not just an employer’s ethical responsibility to prioritise mental health; a business will also reap many benefits, such as staff retention and attracting top talent.

So how do we create a workplace that supports mental health?

Put in place communication channels

Make help readily available. Assign fellow work buddies to employees to look out for each other. This will provide a support system to allow employees to have a point of contact; someone to go to for the small issues they may be facing, through to the bigger and potentially more significant personal issues. Organise regular check- ins with employees; giving space and time for someone to “open up” and talk if they are needing help or support. Create a strong HR team, trained in dealing with mental health issues and make sure employees know who they are, for those times when they find themselves confronted with an issue or problem.

Offer training to all managers

Train people to notice and respond proactively and quickly. Training managers to notice when an employee is having an issue affecting their mental well-being or dealing with a challenging personal situation is extremely helpful. This can help resolve potential misunderstandings that may occur, such as an employee falling behind on work due to personal issues affecting performance. Training these managers to know how to effectively respond could prove vitally important, especially for an employee who is more reticent about discussing their personal concerns.

Encourage work life balance

Put a strong focus on work life balance. Employers should, where possible, offer flexible work options to facilitate this and respect work life boundaries. This helps an employee feel that they matter to the business; that their personal lives are valued by the company. This, in turn, facilitates employees finding hobbies and enjoyment in their life outside the confines of work. Hobbies such as yoga, the gym or reading clubs are activities that have been proven to benefit employees’ overall health and mental wellbeing.

Monitor employee engagement

Monitor employee engagement to pick up on any significant changes in an employee’s behavioural patterns. A drop in an employee’s productivity or after work social participation, may highlight that there are some issues going on in that person’s life or may suggest that he/she is not feeling supported at work. Monitoring engagement can help a business know when and how to better assist or intervene if necessary.

Help reduce the stigma of mental health

Hold special mental health days. Educate employees about mental health and how to look after their mental well-being. Normalise feelings we all experience to remove stigma. Pay close attention to language used in the workplace; encouraging a culture where labelling and judgment is not tolerated, and mutual respect is fostered. Encourage open and honest conversations amongst employees, within agreed, safe and confidential boundaries.

Over 25 years and going strong!

Over 25 years and
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